Souths Cares Launches Play Her Way Girls Rugby League Program

Souths Cares is launching a new program, named 'Play Her Way' with the aim of increasing female participation in Rugby League and providing girls within South Eastern Sydney and the Inner City with great opportunities to improve their health, fitness and Rugby League skills.

The program has been developed to address many of the barriers girls face in participating in sport including affordability, quality of coaching and a lack of holistic training programs specifically designed for female athletes.

Erin Geddes, Health and Wellbeing Programs Coordinator

The Play Her Way Program is more than just an opportunity to boost female participation in Rugby League; it’s a powerful statement on the importance of visibility and representation in sport. By creating accessible, high-quality training opportunities and mentorship pathways, the program not only equips girls with the skills they need but also fosters a culture of empowerment and inclusion.

Souths Cares Play Her Way Program will officially kick off in February, with a bespoke All-Girls Rugby League Clinic hosted at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence on Tuesday 4th February.

The program will run until at least 2027 and includes a 10 week training program aligning with the school term where participants receive high level coaching, mentorship, sporting equipment and subsidised fees for team registrations.

Souths Cares was selected to receive funding under the Australian Government's $200 million Play our Way Grant Program, with the Government initiative representing Australia’s largest investment in Women's Sport.

Places are limited and filling up fast for the upcoming All-Girls Rugby League Skills Clinic. To register your interest, please complete our EOI Form.

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