On This Day, 19 March, in 2006, a pivotal moment in the history of the South Sydney Rabbitohs is remembered with Members gathering in the Millennium Room of Sydney’s Telstra Stadium, casting nearly 4000 votes in a momentous decision that would shape the future of the Club.

By an overwhelming majority of 75.8%, voting Football Club Members endorsed the proposal from Russell Crowe and Peter Holmes à Court, ushering in a new era alongside the Members of the Club. 4,505 Members eligible to vote 3,942 had voted. The result was 2,988 voted ‘Yes’ and 954 voted ‘No’, meaning that Crowe and Holmes à Court succeeded in getting the required 75% of the votes - they actually reached 75.8% - with a mere 32 votes deciding the outcome.

The vote was a testament to the power of the Rabbitohs' community, a blend of tradition and modernity, aiming to preserve the core values whilst propelling the Club into a new chapter of success. South Sydney Football Club Chairman, Nicholas Pappas AM, hailed it as: "people power at its most potent," a day when the South Sydney family came together to embrace a promising future.

Crowe and Holmes à Court's successful bid was not just about the Club’s finances. It was a pledge to reignite the Rabbitohs' spirit, a commitment that saw planning begin for the Club's direction immediately and into the future.

As we reflect on that day in 2006, it's clear that the decision was more than a transaction. It was a milestone that reaffirmed the Rabbitohs' legacy and set the stage for a resurgence, proving that unity and vision could indeed make the Club a force again in the NRL.

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