Students from Souths Cares' Liverpool Opportunity Hub and Nanga Mai Marri (Dream Big) Programs attended Western Sydney University's Liverpool Campus today to learn about tertiary education pathways within the Nursing and Social Work fields.

The excursion commenced with an Acknowledgement of Country and a presentation about campus life at WSU and the value of tertiary education in setting up student's careers.

In the first workshop students were given an introduction to the Social Work field, where they practiced some core skills including interviewing, active listening, exploring community development principles and problem-solving social issues.

In the second workshop students attended WSU's nursing facility, which replicates a hospital ward with beds and interactive mannequins for patients. The hands-on workshop enabled students to take basic health diagnostic information, learn about best-practice hygiene, practice CPR and understand how a hospital ward is managed.

After lunch, Amelia Corr, Aboriginal Pathways and Community Engagement Coordinator at WSU shared with the group some of her cultural knowledge and facilitated an Aboriginal dance workshop. Students embraced the opportunity to learn about culture and get out of comfort zones in a supportive environment.

Victoria Hanshaw, Year 12 Student

It was great to hear about the interesting courses on offer here at WSU and the entry pathways available. Knowing there are multiple ways to get into Uni has given me the confidence to apply for an enrolment

Rhys Wesser, Careers and Education Pathways Advisor at the Liverpool Opportunity Hub explained the excursion was about giving students a taster of University life and helping them to 'Dream Big' in relation to their pathway after school.

"Today was about giving our students some exposure to University life and showcasing the interactive and dynamic learning environments which exist at WSU. The excursion really emphasized the great education opportunities which are available to our students after school.

A big thank you to the WSU team for hosting Souths Cares today", Rhys said.

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