Barranggirra participant, Zachary Moore has proved determination and a positive mindset is the key to achieving life's goals.

After completing his HSC in 2022, Zachary commenced a Traineeship with Sydney Water as a Lab Assistant, where he is responsible for water testing and quality control for water being supplied throughout Sydney.

In November last year Zachary was referred to Souths Cares Barranggirra Program to gain additional mentoring support whilst he completed his Traineeship. Zachary established a great rapport with his Barranggirra Mentor Derick Peachey, and the two worked on goals and strategies to ensure Zachary would be thriving in his work, study and personal life.

Some of Zachary's initial goals included gaining his provisional driver's license and purchasing his first car, as he was struggling with waking up at 4:30am each morning and commuting to work via public transport.

Through diligent saving, Zachary was able to purchase his first car – a Holden Commodore VE model. He now had the opportunity to practice his driving skills and completed some lessons with a professional driving instructor.

Barranggirra Mentor, Derick Peachey saw the value in Zachary gaining his Driver's License and went above and beyond his normal duties to personally provide Zachary with weekly driving lessons. Over the next two months, Derick and Zachary worked on some of the core skills required to gain a driver’s license including reverse parking, driving safely in a variety of road conditions and understanding the traffic laws.

After completing the required hours Zachary was eligible to complete his practical drive's license test, however faced some challenges and failed his test on two occasions. After failing the test he worked closely with his mentor to correct some minor errors in his driving and build his confidence up again.

It was a case of third time lucky for Zachary as he successfully passed the test last week, with Barranggirra Mentor Derick Peachey standing beside him as he received the news he had passed his test. It was a great moment for Zachary and Derick who had worked hard over the past two months to achieve this goal.

Barranggirra Mentor, Derick Peachey explained he was proud to see Zachary kicking his goals.

Derick Peachey, Barranggirra Mentor

I couldn't be prouder of Zachary for keeping a positive mindset and staying focused on achieving his goals. I'm excited for what the future has install for Zachary as he works towards completing his Traineeship and having a long and successful career.

Zachary has a passion for his work and enjoys the theory component of his Traineeship which he completes through Campbelltown TAFE. His future goals are to complete his Traineeship next year and start saving money for a house deposit. He will continue to be supported by the Barranggirra Program throughout his Traineeship and beyond.

Souths Cares Barranggirra Program is proudly supported by Training Services NSW.

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