This week Souths Cares is celebrating the success of one young person, Toga* who has overcome some substantial hurdles in his journey to obtaining employment.
Toga was referred to Souths Cares' Joint Support Program after being involved in the Juvenile Justice system for a number of years.
With the support of Souths Cares Employment and Training advisor, Toga completed training courses, developed a resume, attended job interviews and eventually secured employment as a labourer.
Toga explained securing employment has had a profound impact on himself and his family.
"Getting a job has been massive for me," said Toga
"It's a great feeling to know that I'm on the right path now and making my parents and family proud."
Souths Cares Employment and Training Advisor, Brent Logan was full of praise for Toga.
"Toga has made some substantial changes, and should be proud of his efforts to turn his life around," Brent explained.

Toga continues to meet regularly with his Employment and Training Advisor, to ensure he is achieving his goals and creating a positive future.
The Joint Support Program is an employment and mentoring initiative delivered by Souths Cares in partnership with NSW Juvenile Justice.
For the purpose of this piece, the subjects name has been changed.