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Nanga Mai Marri Participant Commences IT Traineeship

Jennifer Amponsah is a participant in Souths Cares’ Nanga Mai Marri (Dream Big) Program and has a bright future in the IT industry. Last year Jennifer obtained her High School Certificate at J.J. Cahill Memorial High School and was the first person in her family to reach this milestone.

Whilst studying for her HSC, Jennifer established the goal of securing part-time employment. She worked intensively with Souths Cares Mentor, Natalee Rolani-Golding around building her confidence and professionalism, creating a resume, applying for jobs and developing her interview skills.

After handing in resumes at shopping centres, approaching local employers and applying for positions online, the process of searching for employment became draining and Jennifer was almost ready to give up on her search.

Jennifer has always had an interest in the IT industry and Natalee sourced an opportunity for a Traineeship with the company Kalinda IT; an Indigenous Organisation that offers school leavers from First Nations backgrounds opportunities to complete a traineeship with the full support of mentoring, work travel and long-term career pathways.

After attending an information session with Kalinda IT, Jennifer was thrilled to learn she had been accepted into a Traineeship which commenced earlier this year in May. Being successful in her application for the IT Traineeship was one of the proudest moments in Jennifer’s life.

Jennifer has been thriving in the dynamic and supportive work environment at Kalinda IT and continues to develop her skills in communication, administration, data entry and IT systems management.

Natalee Rolani-Golding, Souths Cares Mentor explained she was proud of everything Jennifer has achieved over the past four years in the Nanga Mai Marri (Dream Big) Program.

“During my time working with Jennifer she has always been highly motivated and committed to achieving her goals. She is a devoted young woman who has established a great platform for a successful career – I am beyond proud of her”, Natalee said.

Jennifer has several exciting opportunities ahead with Kalinda IT, which will include travelling to Melbourne for three weeks later this year and then travelling to New Zealand to further develop her IT skills.

Jennifer stated the extra mentoring support was the key to her success.

“The support that I received from Natalee over the course of my time in this program was amazing. Not only did she help me with my schoolwork and employment,  but she has helped me develop  social skills, communication skills and shaped me into a confident person”, Jennifer said.  

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