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Member Story: The Burrow Represented At Mount Everest Base Camp

The Rabbitohs colours are continuously represented all around the world but this one is pretty impressive. 

Rabbitohs Member and long-time supporter, Shaun Weick, took on the mighty Mount Everest trek, making his way up to Base Camp where he proudly held up a scarf with the words ‘The Burrow’ splashed across the front.  

“I recently completed a trek to Mt. Everest Basecamp, spanning 15 days and covering over 180km,” explained Shaun.

“The trek involved a 4000m elevation ascent from commencement to a peak of 5,600m, with temperatures dropping below -20 degrees at times.

“The purpose of the trek was really just to challenge myself and experience the beauty of the Himalayas and Everest region. I was lucky enough to have my twin brother Ben, also a Rabbitohs supporter, join me as well.”  

With the Red and Green support running in the family, Shaun’s love for the Rabbitohs goes beyond years he can remember with his father and grandfather both supporting the South Sydney Club.

“I have been a Rabbitohs fan for as long as I can remember. My father and grandfather are both Rabbits fan so it runs in the family!”

Not a stranger to rugby league himself, Shaun describes himself as a ‘sports fanatic’ thoroughly enjoying watching and playing sports despite sustaining a back injury that ruled him out of playing rugby league.

“I grew up on a farm in Bellingen, a small country town on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales.

“I'm a bit of a sports fanatic and like to spend my spare time watching the footy and cricket. I've been playing some cricket and golf recently, but a back injury stopped me playing footy a few years ago. I started playing league when I was 5 and represented Group 2, a Rabbitohs feeder region, throughout.”

The adventures for Shaun don’t stop there. He plans to one day make it to the top of Mount Everest and continue to challenge himself across different areas of his life. On top of this, like all of us Rabbitohs tragics, he hopes to see the Club win their 22nd Premiership!

“My plans for the future mainly consist of continuing to build my career, travel and continuing to challenge myself - I plan to summit Everest one day.

“I hope to see another Bunnies premiership sometime in the near future as well!”

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